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be in drink
喝醉了  detail>>
be on the drink
常常喝酒,酗酒 经常喝酒  detail>>
 vt.  ( drank; drunk ,〔诗〕 drunken ) 1.饮,喝;喝干,喝完; 〔 drink oneself〕 喝酒喝得…。 2....  detail>>
drink in
尽情地看 如饥似渴地倾听 入神地听 陶醉于 吸收  detail>>
drink to
为…干杯,为…祝福 为…干杯,为…祝福  detail>>
not drink
不喝酒  detail>>
to drink or not to drink
喝与不喝  detail>>
drink drink drink
不醉  detail>>
a skinful of drink
一满皮袋酒  detail>>
a strong drink
含烈酒的饮料  detail>>
alcoholic drink
含酒精饮料 饮料酒  detail>>
almond drink
杏仁茶  detail>>
anything to drink
喝点什么  detail>>
ardent drink
含醇饮料 含酒精饮料 烈性饮料  detail>>
battery (drink)
battery (饮料)  detail>>
be dying for a drink
渴得要死  detail>>
be given to drink
嗜酒成癖  detail>>
beancurd drink
豆汁  detail>>